Making your own shower cap bonnet

Posted by Toliana Malanga on

Have you ever been frustrated with commercial shower caps?.I have.I started my hair journey last year, and part of the journey in hair treatment is having a good protective cap to protect your hair wile in the shower,and also use it as a steamer to open up your hair follicle-cold streaming.

For  this reason i decided to make my own trendy posh shower.I used waterproof fabric which you can get in any craft shop.These caps are wide enough for those with big hair volumes.They fit from small to large sized head.

Materials needed:

22"x 22" outer fabric- optional

22"x22" waterproof fabric

scissors,pins thead,machine,bias tape and elastic

Fold both fabrics in half and half again.Measure out  11" all round.cut half circle on all fabric so when opened you have a circle with 22" diameter

Put fabrics wrongside together and sew all round leaving an opening of 1".Sew bias tape around leaving the 1" opening  and about 2.5" bias which will close the opening later.

Make a channel on the cap for your elastic.Once done thread elastic and sew on elastic to close.Finish by closing 1" with the remaining bias tape.
